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Taliesin the Bard


Taliesin is both a magical mythological being and a real person.  He is a renowned Welsh bard from the 6th century AD .  It is said that he sang in the courts of three kings.  In popular culture of today he is known more as the magical bard, whose name was Gwion, before he was Taliesin.  


In welsh mythology, Taliesin, meaning radiant brow, was the twice born son of Cerridwen.  Originally he was called Gwion, and as a yong boy he was tasked by Cerridwen to stir the cauldron, so that it would not boil over and to help his grandfather whos task was to stoke the fire under the caudron and keep it burning.  


Cerridwen was making a potion of wisdom for her very ugly son, Morfran, but things didn't go as planned and after a year and  a day the cauldron spluttered and three drops fell on Gwions thumb which he then put in his mouth.  And gained all the wisdom, and the cauldron cracked, spilling the remaining, now poisonous liquid onto the ground.  


Cerridwen was so angry that she tried to kill Gwion but Gwion turned into a hare and ran away, Cerridwen became a hound and gave chase, then he turned into several more animals, a salmon, a wren and a single grain or barley.  Cerridwen, an otter, a hawk, and a black hen, as the hen she swallows Gwion and believe him dead, but when she changes back to her human form she discovers that she is pregnant.  And nine months later gives birth to a son,  who she knows is Gwion, but because he is so beautiful she is unable to kill him so instead, puts him in a leather container, and tosses him into the weir.  He is found by Elfin who names him Taliesin and raises him as his own son.  


Talieson grew to become the Chief bard in Wales, a man of wisdom  and knowledge  and is linked with Lugh the sun god as well as Merlin the magician.  


In this artwork The Taliesin statue is situated by lake Bala in Wales, with the tree covered mountains in the background.  At his feet is a historic lute, and a broken cauldron representing the cauldron of wisdom from his myth.  There are also three candles  in green, blue and gold, which are colours that some of today's OBOD druids use to represent the three stages of their order, Bards, Ovates and Druids.  There the symbol of awen on his chest representing the three drops of liquid that spluttered from Cerridwen's Cauldron.  And of course a Key, this one silver so that you may open the door that this tapestry is.  


The piece is 36 x 96cm (14.17 x 37.80 inches) and is hung on a bamboo pole with a black cotton cord.  It is all fabric artwork and stitching.  The original design is one of a kind, that is stamped with the artist's stamp and it is signed by the artist.  


For any further question about this piece please email me


.#PollyLindArtist #Taliesin  #CelticGoddess #CelticGoddess&GodsCollection #Witchcraft #Ovate #OBOD #Bards #Textileart #FabricTapestry #WitchArt #Witch #CelticWitchcraft #Druid #Pagan #Goddess

Taliesin Fabric Applique Tapestry



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