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The Morrigan 


There is an immense amount written about The Morrigan, many good books and many blog articles, as she is a very popular goddess, and rightly so.  She is fierce, strong and takes no shit, which are much sought after and needed traits to have in today's world.  But this is not all that she is.  She is also wise, loving and, I would suspect able to view any given situation for what it is, rather than what we think it is.  


With this piece I wanted to connect to her strong and protective  aspects, as well as her wisdom and how she loves fiercely .  She is ready for battle of course, but there is a calmness about her.   At her feet offerings of swords, a shield and chalice with red gems.  There is a bowl with water and of course candles. I like to think of these offerings as being left by those who are devoted to her, and are symbolic of that relationship that individuals have with her.  


And as with all of my pieces in this collection,  there is a small key, I create these fabric tapestries as magical and sacred doorways. They are energetically connected to the energy of the Deity that they depict.  And itis up to you as to whether or not you will open that door.  


These Stickers have been designed to fit on to a standard 7 day jar candle, as shown in the photo. and can also be used in a variety of other ways, such a journal, laptop, water bottles or where ever else you like to stick them.


Vinal Stickers measuring 

6  x  16 cm (2.36 x 6.3 inches) 

The Morrigan Sticker



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